Chemical Peels

What are Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels cause intentional flaking to the epidermis and/or dermis with the goal of stimulating new tissue to improve skin texture, discolouration and tone.

How Can a Chemical Peel Benefit Your Skin?

Chemical Peels improve:

  • skin texture and firmness

  • decrease fine lines and wrinkles

  • even out skin tone and discolouration

  • improve acne-prone skin

  • reduce pore size appearance

How Do I Know Which Chemical Peel is Right for Me?

Our aestheticians evaluate your skin and tailor the chemical peel to your concerns. The peels contain different ingredients such as salicylic acid, lactic acid and resorcinol and the concentrations and combinations are customized to address your needs.

What can I expect from the Chemical Peel?

After cleansing and preparing your skin, our aestheticians will gently apply the chemical peel to your skin. You may feel a light warming sensation for a few minutes while the peel is actively working. Our aestheticians will then apply calming products to your skin afterward. The initial redness will subside within 30-60 minutes afterward. For most peels, you should experience light to moderate flaking within five days, and your glowing skin will shine through. We may recommend a series of chemical peels depending on your concerns and desired results.