Jaw Pain, ClenchinG & TMJ

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Are you experiencing jaw pain, locking, clicking, clenching, and grinding? A quick and relatively painless Botox® treatment in the muscles responsible for clenching can help to relieve your symptoms for 3-6 months.

What is Bruxism?

When a person grinds and clenches their teeth, this is known as Bruxism. Sleep-related Bruxism occurs when someone grinds and clenches during the night, and they are not even aware of it. This can lead to many issues such as jaw pain, teeth erosion, as well as Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction also known as TMJ.

What is Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (or TMJ)?

The joint that connects your lower jaw to your skull is called the temporomandibular joint. Commonly abbreviated as TMJ, these three letters have come to encompass many jaw-joint disorders.

TMJ typically presents as pain caused by tension and grinding or which affects the jaw, face, neck or ears and varies from mild to very severe. Headaches and ringing in the ear (tinnitus) are also common symptoms.

Why do Bruxism and TMJ Dysfunction Happen?

Stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, natural structural irregularities in the jaw as well as certain medications such as SSRIs can all be underlying factors for muscle pain in the jaw, temporomandibular joint dysfunction and headaches.

How does a Botox® Treatment help Jaw Pain and Clenching?

In a quick and relatively painless treatment, the Botox® is injected into the muscles responsible for clenching and grinding, the masseter muscles. If headaches are also a concern, other areas such as in the forehead are also treated.

How quickly will I have improvement from my pain? How long will my results last?

Pain relief can be expected within 2-4 weeks after your treatment, and lasts on average 3-6 months, but may be shorted or longer depending on the individual and dosing used.

What are the Potential Side effects of Botox® for TMJ and Bruxism?

Side effects of this treatment are most often relatively minimal. You may experience some mild bruising and or discomfort for a few days. Your jaw may feel tired when chewing tough foods for a week or two as the Botox® settles in but this will resolve completely.

Temporary relaxation of adjacent muscles may occur, for example, the muscles responsible for smiling can on occasion be affected for a few days to weeks but will resolve completely.

Should I wear a Mouth Guard for Tooth Grinding?

You may have seen your dentist to discuss the damage that can be caused by clenching and grinding your teeth at night (or during the day). The common recommendation is a night guard which does help to protect your teeth. But most patients do not find this solution reduces their tendency to clench and grind - or the resulting jaw pain, clicking, headaches or tinnitus.

What Happens if I Leave TMJ and Bruxism Untreated?

Severe cases of TMJ dysfunction and clenching can lead to cracked teeth as well as joint erosion and eventually arthritis of the temporomandibular joints. Temporomandibular joint arthritis is a painful degenerative condition characterized by the breakdown of cartilage, inflammation and dysfunctional movement of the jaw.


Is my Consultation Covered by OHIP?

Your initial consultation for Bruxism/TMJ is covered by OHIP. This medical Botox treatment is tax deductible and your receipt will indicate the necessary details. However, most drug plans do not currently cover this specific treatment.


Call our office to learn more about how this treatment can stop the cycle of stress and jaw pain, and change your life!