Belkyra a non-surgical option for eliminating your double chin. It is an injectable prescription medication that works by permanently destroying the fat cells in the submental area (the double chin). The treatment is generally recommended for adults who have moderate to advanced double chin.

How Does Belkyra Work?


The active ingredient is deoxycholic acid which is a substance occurring naturally in the body that breaks down fat in our digestive tract. When injected into your double chin, it works by breaking down the fat and permanently destroying the fat cells while reducing your double chin and improving your profile.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Most patients require at least 2 treatments, separated by 8 weeks, and you may require up to 5 or 6 treatments to achieve your desired results.

What Are Possible Side Effects of Belkyra?

Side effects may include swelling, discomfort, numbness, and bruising.  Swelling is a normal side effect and actually means the treatment is working. Rare but more serious side effects may occur and will be discussed during your consultation with Dr. Andrea.